Health Insurance Enrollment Services
The purpose of Enrollment Services is to provide assistance to individuals seeking health insurance coverage through the Health Connector, Health Safety Net or Mass Health.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) mentions the need for individuals, otherwise unable to get coverage, to apply for health insurance through the Health Connector, Health Safety Net or Mass Health.
Our purpose is to assist those who need it and empower by focusing on educating them through the process.
How to Apply for Health Insurance Coverage
Make An Appointment
Our certified Health Navigators are able to provide assistance to anyone living in the Pioneer Valley, not just our patients. To make sure we can accommodate you, please call our Insurance Outreach and Enrollment Coordinator, Tanya at (413) 325-8500 (option 9) Ext. 146 for more information or to make an appointment.
Please view the “Preparing For Your Appointment” section below for a list of documents you will need to bring with you.
Preparing For Your Appointment
Please prepare the following documents and answers prior to your visit
Social Security Numbers for all people who are on your tax form (if married filing separately, then supply your spouse’ information) or an Immigration Document for all non-U.S. Citizens (for a list of acceptable immigration documents click here)
Copy of your Federal Tax Return from Last Year (and income changes from last year)
Recent Pay Stub or Unemployment Award Letter
Home and Mailing Address for all in the Household
Questions to Answer
Does your employer offer health insurance?
If unemployed, does your former employer offer COBRA? Do you have access to COBRA (whether or not you currently accepted it)?
Do any of your employer’s health plans meet the Minimum Value Standard?
What is the contribution for the lowest cost health plan available to you?
How often are the payments? Weekly? Every 2 weeks? Twice a week?
Note: If you are unable to answer any of these questions or not sure if you qualify, your Health Navigator will be able to help you